Visit Saint John the Apostle Metropolitan Community Church! Our Next Service Starts In

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Our Mission

The Mission of Saint John the Apostle MCC is to provide opportunities for Christian worship, fellowship, and spiritual growth for all seeking a relationship with God.

In carrying out our Mission, our actions will be guided by our core values, being: PRAYERFUL,  seeking God’s guidance and aware of God’s presence;   WELCOMING  to all, with a dedicated ministry to LGBTQ+ individuals; INCLUSIVE  to all; and GENEROUS,  giving of our time, talents, tithes, knowledge, and support.

The Vision that we hold is that our Church becomes a non-judgmental, accepting fellowship, loving God, following the example and teaching of Jesus, enlightened by the spirit, and open to all.

We will accomplish our vision by Committing our time, talent, and tithes to achieve an effective Council of Ministries and a robust budget; Attracting community members to scheduled worship and educational offerings on our Website and in our revitalized setting; Accepting into our membership and ministries all newcomers who support our mission and values; Maintaining a safe environment where LGBTQ and all other marginalized people are accepted as they are; and Providing assistance to those in need and speaking out for social justice and equality.

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