Worship Service, Sunday At 10:00 a.m. 

Spiritual Opportunities:

Sunday Worship: Join us Sundays at 10:00 a.m. for a beautiful worship service. Stay afterwards for a cup of coffee and a snack in the Social Hall. Come and enjoy the fellowship. 

Ongoing Bible study: Every Sunday 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. An ongoing exploration of the biblical text, designed to expand your understanding of the bible to add meaning and depth to your own life of faith.

Prayer Team: Every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. Weekly meeting praying for individuals in the church and the community. Also learning about prayer and spiritual growth. Lift yourself and others in prayer!

SJAMCC Choir Rehearsal: Wednesday at 2:00 p.m.

Deacon Training – Jan 2, 16, 30; Feb 13, 27; Mar 13, 27; Apr 10, 24 – Available to any member of the congregation who would like to attend, these training sessions cover everything from the bible, Christian history and theology, to fancy “church” topics like ecclesiology, soteriology and the hermeneutics of homiletics.  (Some classes are limited to deacons and deacon candidates because of the nature of the training session.)

Theology in the Modern Context – Examining Controversial Claims Jan 22, 29 – 7pm – Folks make all kinds of claims about modern topics, using their faith to justify such claims. Together, we’ll examine some of these claims (and ones the group wants to tackle too!) using theology as a tool for considering how we can think about modern challenges.

Book Club – The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom – Feb 4, 11, 18, 25 – 2pm – We continue our afternoon book club with this classic text that tells the story of Eddie and his experience in heaven,  illuminating the mysteries of his “meaningless” life, and revealing the haunting secret behind the eternal question: “Why was I here?” (Text provided to participants)

A Class on Miracles – Feb 5 – 7pm – Do miracles really happen? What is a miracle? Why don’t more miracles happen in my life? How can I understand miracles as a part of my faith?  We tackle these questions, and more, in exploring one way God interacts with the world.

Exploring the Book of Romans – A New Testament Exploration  Feb 12, 19, 26 – 7pm – Paul’s letter to the church in Rome is considered by many to be one of the most important of his letters, and contains such rich instruction for the church, both in antiquity and now. Join us in digging into this amazing letter!

1946 – The Mistranslation That Shifted a Culture – Mar 1 – Join us in a community presentation of the film that captures how the word ‘homosexual’ ended up in the bible, and the impact of this mistranslation.  We will be joined by the producer of the film for a Q&A following the screening. https://youtu.be/00QOkOE49qM

Ash Wednesday Service – March 5 – 7pm – Begin the journey of Lent with our Ash Wednesday service. 

Lenten Series “Everything [in] between” – March 12, 19, 26; Apr 2, 9, 16 – Journey during this season of Lent by exploring your spiritual lives and everything in between – inviting God into the spaces where healing can happen, discovery can be made, and faith can be deepened.  Our program begins with soup at 630p and our worship program at 7pm. 

Maundy Thursday Service – April 17, 7pm – The conclusion to our Lent series with an agape meal and a special time of sharing, community and communion. 

Good Friday Service – April 18, 7pm – Memorializing and remembering the horror, trauma and sacrifice of Jesus and his journey to the cross. 

Easter Service – April 20 – 10am – Celebrate the Risen Christ at our Easter service! 

General Conference 2025 Info Session – Apr 30 – 7 pm – What is our General Conference?  What issues are being voted on? How does it work? These are important questions as the MCC denomination meets as a body in 2025. Come learn how it all works, what we can expect and how you can participate!

In addition to the many classes being offered, we will have lots of community opportunities to gather, meet and  have fun! Spaghetti dinners, fundraisers, drag shows and more!  Look for additional announcements about how you can participate with your church family! 

Other Activities:

SWFL Voices: Rehearsal every Thursday at 6:30 p.m. in choir room. 

Other Resources:

Dean’s Food Pantry open every Tuesday 10:00 a.m. – Noon

Lee County Health Department http://lee.floridahealth.gov/ the 1st Thursday each month, 9:00 a.m. – 1:45 p.m. Free STD and HIV testing.

Just For Today NA Group – Meets every Wednesday at 7:00 PM. For additional information call Tom 239-770-8507

The Family Meeting AA Group – Meets every Friday at SJAMCC at 6:00 PM. For additional information call Sean at 239 240-1122. All are welcome!

Women’s AA Meeting – Meets every Saturday at 7:00 PM. For additional information call Beth at 615-491-1227

NAMI – National Alliance on Mental Illness – Meets every Tuesday at 6:00 PM. For additional information call Sharone at 239-337-9024